Toys for tots 2020

Laredo Motor Carriers Association proudly held its First Annual Toys for Tots Drive from November 19th to December 15th. LCMA was able to collect over 70+ toy donations for the children of our community. The unlitmate goal of the Marine Toys for Tots Program is to collect new unwrapped toys and distribute those toys to…

LMCA Toy Drive Invitation

LMCA Members, Please join us in making a child’s day brighter by contributing to LMCA’s 1st Annual Toys For Tots Toy Drive! You can drop off a new and unopened item to our LMCA office located at the Silver Leaf Plaza, 2715 E. Del Mar F2., any time during 11am-4pm. Every donor will receive a “Thank You” treat bag for their…

Winners of our LMCA Raffle!

Congratulations to the winners of our LMCA Raffle! Fernando Montemayor 1st Prize Winner of $3,200 Sponsored By: Hotsy Equipment Norma L. Hernandez 2nd Prize Winner of $2,800 Sponsored By: Doggett Freightliner Veronica C. Lopez 3rd Prize Winner of $1,200 Sponsored By: South Texas Truck Centers Once again, THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS & to everyone…