LMCA staff coffee

LMCA Members, Stop by our office to enjoy some coffee, donuts, and conversation with our LMCA staff. We want to know how our members are doing and hear how we can better serve you. Come drop in and update us! April 19th 9:30 AM to 11:30 AM 2715 E. Del Mar Suite F2 We Look…

All Members Mixer

Join us for an All Members Mixer on Thursday, April 27, at 6:30PM at Rocha’s Bar & Grill. Come enjoy a time of networking, appetizers, and drinks. We will be sharing information on the growth of LMCA and answering any questions you may have. For information on how you can attend, e-mail Maribel at, contact@laredomca.com

What a great and powerful time in DC!

What a great and powerful time in DC! LMCA and TXTA members met with Texas Congressional Delegation to discuss trucking issues related to workforce development, supply chain solutions, energy and environment and lawsuit abuse. A big thank you to the American Trucking association for your assistance in making this visit a great success and continuing…

Bowling Fundraiser!

Members! Join us on Thursday, May 25th, for our fun, exciting, competitive Bowling Fundraiser! Proceeds will go towards the LMCA Scholarship Foundation. Scholarships will be awarded to two students for the school year 2023-2024. Click on the link below to sign your team today! http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event…

Drug & Alcohol Clearing House & Out-of-Service

Members, Join us Thursday, April 6, at 11:30 AM at the Embassy Suites Hotel for a seminar with Tom Hartman (CFDS) on Drug & Alcohol Clearing House & Out-of-Service (OOS) Changes. Members – $20; Non-Members – $50 WE LOOK FORWARD TO SEEING YOU THERE! http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event… For more information contact Maribel at contact@laredomca.com

Coffee and conversation

Members, Stop by our office to enjoy some coffee, donuts, and conversation with our LMCA staff. We want to know how our members are doing, and hear how we can better serve you. Come drop in and update us! March 15th 9:30 AM to 11:30 AM 2715 E. Del Mar Suite F2 We are excited…